Vidyapati Chowk @ Kathalbari, Darbhanga District, Bihar, India

View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari
View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
[Photos: Kamal Thakur @ 06-06-2020]

Vidyapati Chowk is located at Co-ordinates - 26°09'29.0"N 85°54'19.1"E, near Near Sanskrit College, Kathalbari, Darbhanga, Bihar - 846004, India. In this square, there is a statue of "Vidyapati". Vidyapati was born in 1350-1450. Below given are the "information board" image. This Square is connecting two roads "GM Road" and "M.L.S.M College Road"Compared to the square from the North Pole, the road on the north side is going to "Kathalbari Chowk", the road on the west side is going to "Darbhanga Station", the road on the east side is going to "Acharya Suman Chowk" and on the south side, "Harahi" lake is located.

  • Name: Vidyapati Chowk @ Kathalbari
  • Category: BUS STOP
  • Co-ordinates: 26°09'29.0"N 85°54'19.1"E
  • Google Maps:
  • Address: MLSM College Road, Near Sanskrit College, Kathalbari, Darbhanga, Bihar - 846004, India

Cornerstone (Left Side) of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari
Cornerstone (Left Side) of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
[Photos: Kamal Thakur @ 06-06-2020]

Written in Hindi at Statuary "Information Board"

देसिल बयना सब जन मिट्ठा / तें तैसन जम्पओं अवहट्ट //

मिथिला मैथिली  एवं मैथिल संस्कृतिक अक्षर पुरुष कविकोकिल महाकवि


"कार्तिक धवल त्रयोदशि जान, विदयापतिक आयु अवसान"

जन्म: १३५०

बालचन्द विज्जाबई भाषा। दुइनहि लग्गई दुज्जन हासा॥
ओ परमेश्वर हर सिर सोहई। ई णिच्चई नाअर मन मोहई॥

Cornerstone (Front Side) of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari
Cornerstone (Front Side) of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
[Photos: Kamal Thakur @ 06-06-2020]

View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
[Photos: Kamal Thakur @ 06-06-2020]

View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
[Photos: Kamal Thakur @ 06-06-2020]

View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
[Photos: Kamal Thakur @ 06-06-2020]

View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
View of Vidyapti Chowk @ Kathalbari.
[Photos: Kamal Thakur @ 06-06-2020]